Step-by-Step Guide to Attaching IAM Roles to EC2 Instances

Step-by-Step Guide to Attaching IAM Roles to EC2 Instances

IAM roles provide temporary permissions to EC2 instances to interact with AWS services without embedding credentials in the application.

Step 1: Create an IAM Role

  1. Go to the IAM Console: Navigate to IAM Roles.

  2. Create Role:

    • Click the Create role button.

    • Select AWS service as the trusted entity type.

    • Choose EC2 under Use cases for other AWS services.

    • Click Next.

  3. Select Permissions:

    • Select the appropriate policy for the permissions your EC2 instance needs.

      • Example: To allow read-only access to S3, attach the AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess policy.
    • Click Next.

  4. Configure Role:

    • Enter a descriptive name for the role (e.g., EC2S3ReadOnlyRole).

    • Add optional tags for identification (if needed).

    • Review the settings and click Create role.

Step 2: Attach IAM Role to EC2 Instance

  1. Go to the EC2 Console: Navigate to EC2 Instances.

  2. Select the Instance:

    • Choose the instance to attach the role.
  3. Modify IAM Role:

    • Click Actions > Security > Modify IAM Role.

    • Select the IAM role created in Step 1.

  4. Apply Changes:

    • Click Update IAM role.

Step 3: Verify IAM Role Attachment

  • Check if an IAM role is attached to the instance:


    is used to retrieve information about the IAM role that is attached to an EC2 instance. This is part of the Instance Metadata Service (IMDS), a special HTTP endpoint available to EC2 instances, which provides metadata and dynamic data about the instance.

    • If a role is attached, the response will include details like the role name.

    • If no role is attached, you'll get an error or no data.

Breaking Down the Command

  • curl: A command-line tool used to make HTTP requests.

  • The IP address for the Instance Metadata Service. This is a reserved IP used internally within the EC2 instance.

  • /latest/meta-data/iam/info: The specific path to retrieve IAM role information.

Step 4: Test Permissions Using AWS CLI

  1. You can use AWS CLI or use EC2 instance connect, Ensure AWS CLI is installed on the instance (usually pre-installed on Amazon Linux).
    No Key Pair Required: In EC2 instance connect, You don't need to manage or use an SSH key pair for access.

  2. Run commands to test permissions based on the IAM role's policies.


    • S3 Access: List S3 buckets (requires S3 permissions):

        aws s3 ls
    • EC2 Access: Describe running instances (requires EC2 permissions):

        aws ec2 describe-instances
    • CloudWatch Logs: View log groups (requires CloudWatch permissions):

        aws logs describe-log-groups
  3. If the permissions are correctly configured, the command will execute successfully. Otherwise, you'll see an error like:

     An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the <API> operation: User: arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/<role-name>/<session-name> is not authorized to perform: <API>

Inspect Temporary Credentials

  • To view the temporary credentials provided by the IAM role:

    • Replace <role-name> with the IAM role name attached to the instance.

    • The response includes:

      • AccessKeyId

      • SecretAccessKey

      • Token

      • Expiration time

Common Debugging Tips

  1. No IAM Role Attached:

    • Attach an appropriate IAM role to the instance using the Modify IAM Role action in the EC2 Console.
  2. Policy Issues:

    • Ensure the IAM role has the correct permissions for the resources you are trying to access.
  3. Region Mismatch:

    • Verify that your CLI commands are targeting the correct AWS region:

        aws configure set region <region-name>

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